Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why do kids in africa have bloated stomachs and holocaust survivers skin and bones?

They both starve, why do kids in africa have big stomachs from starvation and people in holocaust look like skin and bones?Why do kids in africa have bloated stomachs and holocaust survivers skin and bones?
Combination of several things. Couple of clarifications though: the first type you mention (bloated stomachs) is called Kwashiorkor, and is due to chronic malnutrition and protein deficiency. The second (skin and bones) is called marasmus and is indicative of more acute malnutrition, and primarily lack of calories. Usually the scenario is a combination (marasmic Kwashiorkor).

In Kwashiorkor, protein deficiency results in the body 'digesting' its own for energy. Second, chronic malnutrition reduces the muscle tone of the abdominal muscles, so you get more protrusion of the abdomen (rounded, flacid appearance of the belly). Kids with Kwashiorkor may appear 'fat', but in reality their limbs are swollen with fluids from the ongoing processes. Also, they develop a swollen, fatty liver, which may add to the appearance.

The marasmus is loss of subcutaneous fat and tissues, leaving a skeletal appearance. The exact pathophysiologies of both are still under investigation.

Like I said, usually it a combination of both syndromes. Both are nutritional however, and are due to a poor diet or one that fails to provide enough calories, proteins, and micronutrients.

Hope this helps.Why do kids in africa have bloated stomachs and holocaust survivers skin and bones?
I'm sure both groups were horribly infested with parasites. Children will have that bloated abdomen because they are smaller and the internal organs have a tendency to stick out, most babies have this to some degree. Adults are taller and the internal organs fit a little differently.
Parasites living in their stomachs and intestines swell up and make their tummies round like that. if you notice their arms and legs are still skin and bones.
The bulging belly is caused by an albumin deficiency, which is caused by a lack of protein in the body due to their poor diets.

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