Monday, July 26, 2010

What happens to your skin when you moisturize over your makeup?

Sometimes I moisturize my face without taking off my make up.What happens to your skin when you moisturize over your makeup?
Nothing, your actually blocking your skin from absorbing the moisturizer! You know that every time you sleep with your make up, your adding years of aging to your skin. Your skin releases all these toxins, when you rest at you need to allow your skin to breathe. You need to properly remove everything, then apply skin products, morning and night. What happens to your skin when you moisturize over your makeup?
it might clog your pores, by rubbing it into your skin your probably rubbing some foundation and concealor into your pores as well. Its best to put moisterizer on clean freshly washed skin, so try to put moisterizer on before putting makeup on, and wash off your makeup before applying it at night.
it messes up your makeup... also, don't forget, your moisturizing to open your pores and cleanse them. if you don't take your makeup off first, makeup is getting in your pores, making your skin dirtier and could cause you to break out..
It gets all over your eyeshadow, eyelashes.

Or you mean just over foundation and powder.

I guess it kind of breaks up the foundation, make sure to blend.

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