ACNE is only a temporary condition, so why must people be so shallow towards dating people who have it and stuff like that? Everyone gets it some time in their life. It's just pimples.Why do people with acne get lower ratings than people with smooth skin?
People are just so shallow these days. All anybody seems to care about is outer appearance and many tend to neglect what really matters which is personality etc. For those who say acne is gross and that people who get it dont clean their face. That is wrong, maybe in some cases its true, but myself for instance I've used many over the counter products and I recently went to a doctor to get a prescription. I apply the cream and wash my face everyday and just because I have pimples doesn't mean I'm any less attractive then the next person. Also some girls cake their faces with make up, how that is attractive I dont know? At least people with acne have natural faces whether then a barbie doll one. At least some people dont care how others look, and go for the true inner beauty. Hopefully more people will become like that.Why do people with acne get lower ratings than people with smooth skin?
because those people are shallow. plain and simple. i had bad acne that started in 5th grade and i'm only JUST starting to finally have clear skin (and i'm 26). i went to the dermatologist for years, was on pills, creams, did microdermabrasion ($200 a session!) and nothing worked. people are always quick to say that people with acne just dont wash their face, but they havent had to deal with all the issues. its genetic, hormone, and bacteria related and if someone is that shallow that they wont date you just cause you have bad skin then dont even deal with that loser. beauty is skin deep. and once you can see that you'll find beauty in people that most wont see and it makes you a better person.
because pimples are just plain gross and nasty. And if you dont care enough to wash your face and take care of yourself.. then you are not ready for a relationship.
ANd sometimes acne is forever..
and some ppl are just to anal
I think it goes back to very basic human instincts and laws of attraction. Acne free means you are healthier and therefor more attractive. Unhealthy is not attractive if it's acne or anything else. Animals do the same thing
well, generally people are attracted to others who display signs of health and fertility. which means healthy size, smooth skin. etc.
somes times acne is a perm. thing, and pimples are gross, those people need to take better care of there skin and have it treated
I dont know but the boys at my school dont care if you have bumps but if you have 10 pimples on your face then that gross.
b/c for a lot of people its not temp and leaves scars
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