wrinkle lotion, something with retinol or retin-a will help. also, mild toners and anti-acne creams, and a face scrub. DON'T use the ones made from fruits or seeds, as these can have rough edges and leave your skin irritated or worse off. stick with ones that have scrubbing ';beads.';
don't forget to use non-comedogenic lotion. it will keep your skin moisturized and soft, without clogging your pores.
also, consider going to a dermatologist or regular doctor and bringing this up with them. i'm sure there are many prescription products out there that will do the trick if over-the-counter options fail.How do i cure rough skin on my face?
some lotion might help BUT not regular lotion,buy some ';wrinkle'; lotion,its only for ur face
wash it or keep it kind of damp
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