Monday, November 21, 2011

How can I stop a pimple when I feel it under the skin?

Does anyone know a way to help clean a zit when you can feel it starting to develop?

I see the little vague red bumps.

Is there a way to make it stop growing, or stop getting clogged?

I'd rather use something I have already, than have to go out and spend any money, but if you know of a really great product I can get at CVS or Walmart or something, I'd be glad to hear it!How can I stop a pimple when I feel it under the skin?
Benzoyl peroxide is what you're looking for! You can get creams with benzoyl peroxide (Persagel is one) at CVS, Walmart, and most grocery stores.

Benzoyl peroxide causes cell turnover in your pores and on your skin's surface, which reduces the amount of bacteria in your pores. Bacteria are what's causing the painful red bumps that you feel under your skin.

You can also use a face wash that has salicylic acid in it (Biore makes a good one). Salicylic acid helps exfoliate your skin and unclog pores. But be gentle! Scrubbing irritated skin really hard or with a harsh scrub will make it worse and more irritated, red, and painful.

I know some people recommend toothpaste, but that has never, ever worked for me.How can I stop a pimple when I feel it under the skin?
If this pimple is a one off, I suggest the best thing to do is keep your money and leave it alone and let it run its course. Putting tootpaste or anything like that will make your skin dry and disgusting and won't help it any.

If you get them often go to your GP and he will give you a prescription for something better than toothpaste.
there is a new product from clearasil exactly for that. its a little pen you can carry with you and whenever you feel one coming on you put that on. its a little 7 or 8 bucks but its prolly worth it : )
take a hot shower. this will open up your pores. then, you wash it with, and let me stress this... OIL FREE SOAP. High oil soaps will only make your situation worse. After that, you can get some alcohol wipes and wipe where the pimple is coming up.
Start boiling some water then get a small cloth rap it around ur face but not on ur face around ur forehead and put your head above the boiling water and hold it there for about 5 min. it should help from preventing, do it daily
you could just lightly pinch it til the white head comes out.

once it's out the pimple gets smaller and vanishes pretty quickly
Try clean and clear acne spot treatment, amazing.
i use clean and clear, or toothpaste actually works. It drys out your skin really well, not like cover your face in toothpaste just that spot
You could actually put hydrocortosone cream on it. It will dry it out.
put loads of cream on it
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